With Thanksgiving just past and the east coast still recovering from the effects of Hurricane Sandy, we are reminded of how important it is to be thankful for the blessings in our life, and appreciate the power of nature.
While we had planned on writing a post this week about the little steps that employers can take to inspire their employees to think green not just at work but at home, we decided to take this idea and then take the concept further so that it doesn’t just benefit the environment, but the community as well.
So here are our top 5 ways to inspire your employees to act locally, and think globally:
1. Recycle magazines by organizing a group magazine exchange – encourage employees to bring in their magazines and share them amongst their coworkers. Once a month take the magazines to your local hospital to share with patients, or take them to local schools for use in their art or media literacy classes.
2. Invite local farmers in to share the challenges they face in their industry. Encourage your employees to buy locally. The ecological footprint of bringing your meals to the table will be reduced, and the taste difference will be astounding! Find out if there is a local community garden that is in need of volunteers.
3. Inspire less waste at lunch – this goes beyond the waste generated from packaging, but also food that we waste. Encourage employees to be mindful of how much food they throw away, and start up a composting program. And while we’re being aware of the food we waste, inspire a food drive. Although food banks express great need during Easter, Christmas and Thanksgiving, the need extends all year round.
4. Instead of exchanging holiday gifts, donate toys to local children’s organizations. We all already have enough stuff, which will (although we never admit it) end up in landfills. Give to those who will appreciate it more.
5. One person’s junk is another person’s treasure. Set up a board where people can post items that are headed for the landfill which others may need. You may be surprised how many items can be diverted from the landfill and find a new home!
This list is just a start. Find out organizations in your area that need help and when they need it most. Sometimes the best way to think globally is to start thinking locally.